Decorating the office

Think about the image you want to project to others

Your office should reflect order and professionalism. You don’t want to go over the top with family photos or stacks of photos of your pets. If you want that then make a home office for when you are at home. When you are at work you have to be in a professional frame of mind.

Start with your colour scheme

Neutral colours such as white, beige, or tan are good choices for professional offices, where a variety of bright colour would be distracting. Although if you have mainly neutral colours and then a splash of colour somewhere it can really improve your mood.

Give some thought to the office furniture before making a purchase

Mahogany and dark woods scream professionalism. But lighter woods such as light oak, pine or maple shout school classroom!

Pick up some greenery to add to your office

Not only is it pleasing to the eye, but research shows it makes people more productive and it helps to keep the air clean by removing toxic air emissions.

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